
Spectrum Cycles has closed operations. We’ve retired. We’re out riding our bikes, or visiting our children and grandchildren, or whatever.
After 45 years of building frames and bicycles for a lot of people, the time to stop has arrived. We’ve built and painted our last frame. There are still ten complete bicycles waiting for components to arrive and Tom will be contacting customers who are waiting for those bicycles as the final components dribble in over the next few months.
It has been an honor to have worked with thousands of riders and to create bicycles that make riding better and more enjoyable for so many people. In addition to the Spectrums and Tom Kelloggs that we made, the work we have done with Merlin and Ritte gave us the chance to give a bit or our expertise to a vast number of additional riders. This has been our life’s work. It has been central to who we are. Thank you for letting us be part of your lives.
Now to a bit of business. A significant portion of the work we have done over the years is the repair and refinishing of other builders’ and our own frames as well. We are no longer doing that work, so I feel the need to create a short list of other builders and refinishers whom we trust to work on our frames going forward. This list is by no means complete. There are many others in the craft who are very capable, but these folks are among those who I know well and who I have worked with in the past. We will make our decal sets and graphics files available to them should you need them. In no particular order:
● Joe Bell - Spring Valley, Ca
● Noah Rosen (VeloColour) - Toronto, Ont
● Dark Matter Finishing - Colorado Springs, Co
● Good Color Studio - Santa Barbara, Ca
● Black Magic Paint - Portland, Or
● Hot Tubes - Boston, Ma
Builders who offer steel frame repairs are steadily becoming more difficult to find and now that Jeff and I are no longer doing that work, another experienced shop is gone. If you do need to replace a tube, fork blades or a dropout, contacting the above refinishers should help as they will either be able to do the work or they will know who can. When it comes to titanium repairs ... it depends. If a Spectrum Titanium was fabricated by Seven Cycles, they can do any repair work and I can help with contacting the right person at Seven. ABG (parent company of the old Merlin) does not offer repairs of the frames they built for us. For those frames, contact Bilenky Cycles.
I will be keeping our web site active for anyone who wants to better understand what we used to do and to view the photographs of some of our work. Its continued availability does not imply that we may start taking on work again.
Our frame building component business will remain active until we run out of materials. If you need something not listed on the frame supplies page of our website, we may still have what you need. Please write to inquire. Eg. We have a number of fork crowns, braze-ons, dropouts and even some tubing left over. Just hit the CONTACT page.
I continue to be available when people are trying to find information about one of our or Merlin’s frames. My Email has not changed and as long as you are patient, I can be relied on to get back to you with information on production dates and in most cases design information. Just hit the CONTACT page.